DoUtDes™ Cyber-Ethics Manifesto

Do Ut Des:I Give for That you May give.

I Give you my Trust for that you Give me my Safety.

Our novel 360° systemic cyber-ethics approach to cyber Security is a multi-disciplinary and multi-functional framework to IT cyber Security – beyond IT.

From traditional IT cyber Security to Human cyber-ethical Safety: that’s Do Ut Des™ Cyber-Ethics. A 360° cyber Intelligence for businesses and people in the 5.0 industry.

A FIRST in the cyber Security industry

Our innovative systemic and multi-functional framework combines “embedded cyber ethics” with “Safety by design” AND “business intelligence”– a first for cyber security.

Cyber-ethics-enhanced Business Intelligence

We focus on a dynamic technological, economic and human omniveillance and omnivigilance that encompass societal contexts, market imperatives, regulatory policies, as well as cutting-edge technologies, and ethical and human rights.

Then and only then does IT cyber Security turn into a 360° cyber Intelligence human Safety Shield.

Against malicious infiltration we offer intelligent integration

Our tailored, dynamic frameworks go beyond IT security concepts or softwares to create dynamic grids of mutuality and multi-ality.

Our tailored frameworks are not static assessments lists but dynamic chains of risk and shock-proof simulations based on mutuality and multi-ality.

The unique method does not start nor end with IT but bounces bi- or multi-directionally back and forth into ethics, business/economy, and people.